Exclusive hand-made one-off ceramic pots and sculptural pieces by Bob Pickford

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All About Pickfordpots

Since returning to the South of England from the North-west Bob has now settled in Oxfordshire and is enjoying the more rural environment. He makes vases, bowls, jugs and bottle forms which are generally one-off pieces either smoke-fired or glazed.
“I develop ideas for my pots or ceramic sculptural forms from manifold influences but I expect ultimately derive from the shapes, forms, textures, lines and colours found in nature, historical references and the world we live in. I am particularly drawn to the incidental effects on the surface created by fire and smoke. If you would like to find out more about my process, please get in touch."
Studio 8, Ayres House Studios, Ayres Yard, Station Road, Wallingford, OX10 0JZ
+44 (0)7804293530